

Canterbury Tennis Club enter a number of teams for Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Doubles in both Summer and Winter Kent League, as well as evening Dover & District Leagues in the summer. Contact Sharon at sharonchastang@gmail.com to enquire.

We enter multiple teams in several of the leagues so there’s always room for new players! We also engage in friendly matches with other clubs.

For a list of our club captains, click here Captains list winter24



Our annual tournaments

These tournaments are open to Club and to external Players For When
The Canterbury Autumn Open, LTA Grade 4 Juniors from 8&U to 18&U 29th October – 1st November 2024
ITF Masters Ages 35+ to 70+ Seniors 35+ to 70+ 4th-9th May 2025
The East Kent Junior and Adult Championships, LTA Grade 4 Adults (open) and juniors of all ages May Half Term
The Canterbury Open, LTA Grade 4 Juniors from 8&U to 18&U Summer holidays

Catering will be available for participants and spectators at these events.

Singles Box League

Players grouped by ability, with promotion/relegation at the end of each phase. Open to members and non-members but all matches must be played on the Canterbury LTC club courts or our pay-and-play courts. Sign up on the Matchspace App. Read more on https://canterburytennisclub.co.uk/event/singles-box-league/

Annual Club Championships

Open to all club members.  Singles and doubles events for all ages up to 70+. Entries open end of March each year. Contact Nick at nickwibb03@hotmail.com for more info.

2024 Finals Day            Sunday 30th June

Find upcoming tournaments to enter

Check the LTA site to find local (or national) tournaments to enter, both at Canterbury and other clubs.