Membership enquiry successfully sent
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Information here explaining the next steps and how to pay

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Membership level help

We offer discounted introductory memberships for players starting out in the game. Members purchasing introductory memberships will have restricted access to club facilities. First Year Improvers can only play at Monday and Wednesday evening mix ins, or at other times with a coach; Beginners Returners can only play at Monday and Wednesday evening mix ins, can book courts for independent play at other times from Monday-Friday and can play with a coach at any time. These Introductory memberships run for one year from the date of purchase. Upon renewal, members must purchase a Comprehensive membership pro-rated to 31st March.

About our membership

  • Membership fees are not refundable. Your payment entitles you to membership of the club and enjoyment of member benefits (subject to availability and type of membership)
  • Memberships run 1 April to 31 March, except for CCCU memberships which run 1 September to 31 August
  • All fees include affiliation to Polo Farm Sports Club and a charge towards the Club’s LTA affiliation.
  • Fees (except Social Member) also include registration to play in the Indoor Tennis Centre, but please note that there is a booking fee for indoor courts. Outdoor courts are free
  • If you are joining some months after the start of the ‘tennis year’, pro-rata fees apply to comprehensive memberships – please ask
  • Introductory memberships run for 12 months from the date of purchase. After one year, the member must take out appropriate Comprehensive membership, pro-rated to the next March 31st
  • Pay-and-play is available for group coaching and court hire – you do not need to buy a Club Membership to access these.


Club Rules

All members agree to abide by the club rules. Read them in the Club Manual in the pavilion or ask Sally Halliday to email a copy to you.

Data Protection

All members agree to their details being stored on the tennis club’s accounts and booking management system. The club may share these details with Polo and the LTA. Members will be assumed to agree to the sharing of their contact information with other members who have a tennis reason for requesting this – if you are not happy for other members to receive contact information please opt out by emailing

Wimbledon Ballot

You must be a British Tennis Member to be eligible to enter the LTA’s Wimbledon ballot and must opt in annually to the LTA on-line. Please make sure Canterbury Tennis Club and Canterbury Indoor Tennis Centre are listed as one of your venues. If not already registered, you can join for free at